* * * * * NOW FINISHED * * * * *
Orchid Growing Survey
Orchid enthusiast Wayne Haywood has devised a survey to get an idea of the orchid world in the UK at present. We would really appreciate it if as many of our customers as possible could take part. Whether you have 1 orchid or a whole collection - no matter how long you've been growing orchids or the depth of your knowledge!
All opinions are valued for this survey!

"There has been a lot of discussion recently, particularly among society members, about the future of orchid growing in the UK: ageing demographic of society members, cost of living crisis etc.
The following online survey aims to gauge the well-being of orchid growing both now and into the future in the UK:
The survey takes about 2 mins to complete. For the results to be meaningful, however, it needs as many people to take part as possible over the next few months the survey runs.  The survey is anonymous.
The survey is due to end 31st August. Analysis will be published towards early September.  Please have your say and help us understand the health of orchid growing in the UK."

Thank you!